Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Nutronix Revolution Business Opportunity Video
NuBody MT - Moringa Tea

What makes our Moringa oleifera tea so healthy and delicious? The fact that it’s not a tea, but a tisane. Unlike teas, Moringa contains no caffeine and can be enjoyed by all.
Health benefits of Moringa oleifera teas:
47 Antioxidants
36 Anti-inflammatories
25 Vitamins & Minerals
27% Plant-based protein
All 8 essential Amino Acids

Flavorful and nutritious, drink it plain or spice it up with lemon, cinnamon, or honey.
Moringa Tea: Flavorful and Nutritious

The nutritious leaves of the Moringa oleifera tree are an excellent ingredient for making teas filled with potent antioxidants. Moringa leaves can be steeped in hot water for several minutes in a traditional tea-making process. The leaves release an abundance of nutrients and antioxidants into the hot water, creating a refreshing and flavorful tea, full of beneficial compounds that promote energy and wellness.

Moringa tea is made by harvesting fresh leaves from the Moringa tree and drying them at low temperatures to preserve the vital nutrients that will be released into your tea water. Dried leaves are then shredded and either retained in their loose form or bagged into tea bags.
How Moringa Works

One of the most important benefits of drinking Moringa tea is the high level of antioxidants that it delivers. Antioxidants are compounds which prevent cellular damage; the common pathway for cancer, aging, and a variety of other disease.Free radicals are groups of atoms which are formed when oxygen interacts with molecules, and they can react with cellular components that can be harmful and lead to life-threatening illnesses. Antioxidants act as a defense system against free radicals.

Diets that are high in antioxidants are considered essential to keeping the body free of polluting and carcinogenic substances that can lead to illness and disease.

Moringa leaves are packed with antioxidants called "flavonoids", which are naturally occurring antioxidant compounds made in plants. These powerful flavonoids include quercetin and kaempferol. In fact, Moringa is equal to even the strongest green teas in its ability to deliver powerful antioxidants to the body.
Benefits to Drinking Moringa Tea

People who drink Moringa tea report a pleasant boost in energy and mental clarity after consuming a single cup. Women find that Moringa tea helps with cramps and bloating during their menstrual cycles, and men report increased levels of stamina during their working days. People in India and the Philippines drink Moringa tea regularly for nutrition, clarity, and general wellness.
Preparing Moringa Tea

Making your own Moringa tea is an easy and enjoyable task. Simply use 1 bag of dried Moringa leaf powder per serving of tea you wish to brew. Add the Moringa tea bag leaves and submerge in hot water for five to ten minutes. For best results, place a lid on top while the Moringa leaves steep. Remove the tea bag from the water, squeeze it out, and enjoy your fresh Moringa tea!

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

ISRAELI FRONTLINE: Steven Spielberg's niece auditions for 'The Voice'...

ISRAELI FRONTLINE: Steven Spielberg's niece auditions for 'The Voice'...: World/Jewish-News/Steven- Spielbergs-niece-auditions- for-The-Voice-355530Numpang iklan gan , Jual perdana simpati community , gratis telpon &
sms sepuasnya 24 jam HUB : Bayu Qing Arqya 081339268060 . Tq Salam
Indonesia Raya ‪#‎prabowohatta‬ , ‪#‎indonesiabangkit‬ , ‪#‎selamatkanindonesia‬ , ‪#‎dukungboikotMETROtv‬­­ , ‪#‎syuradikaraende95fr‬­­aternity , Website Resmi Kampanye ‪#‎DukungPrabowoHatta‬ untuk #SelamatkanIndo

nesia­­ :


Mohon informasi ini disebarluaskan. Berikut adalah link-link utama dari situs Selamatkan Indonesia:

Rekam Jejak Lengkap H. Prabowo Subianto

Rekam Jejak Lengkap Ir. H. Hatta Rajasa

Jawaban dari Semua Kampanye Hitam ke Prabowo-Hatta

Visi dan Misi Prabowo-Hatta

Testimoni Tokoh untuk Prabowo-Hatta
http://­­selamatkanindonesia.­c­om/Testimoni.html — drinking coffee at Rumah Perwira Samping Situs Bung Karno.

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

Hashim Djojohadikusumo Memaparkan Visi Partai Gerindra di USINDO di Amer...

TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - Calon Presiden Prabowo Subianto
turut hadir dalam Rapat Koordinasi Pimpinan Nasional (Rakorpimnas) I
Persatuan Guru Republik Indonesia (PGRI) yang digelar di hotel Sahid
Jaya, Jakarta, Senin (2/6/2014). Kehadiran mantan Danjen Kopassus itu
membuat kehebohan sendiri di lingkungan para guru.

Pasalnya, Prabowo yang datang mengenakan kemeja putih khas-nya
langsung dikerubuti para guru yang berusaha mengabadikan momen bersama
Capres yang diusung enam parpol tersebut.

Dalam suasana tersebut, Prabowo dielu-elukan oleh para Guru. Ada yang
mendoakan agar Prabowo menjadi presiden dan ada juga yang memberikan
semangat kepada Ketua Dewan Pembina partai Gerindra tersebut. "Hidup
Prabowo!" Prabowo Presiden!" teriak para guru.

 Prabowo turut memberikan sambutan di hadapan para guru. Dalam
pidatonya tersebut Prabowo memuji peran guru yang sangat besar jasanya
untuk masyarakat. "Saya sungguh merasa terhormat karena guru adalah
unsur yang sangat strategis bagi kehidupan bangsa yang merdeka. Kuncinya
terletak dalam pendidikan," katanya.

Menurutnya, pendidikan sangat penting bagi bangsa Indonesia. Karena
pendidikan merupakan kunci untuk menyelesaikan berbagai permasalahan
bangsa, termasuk mendidik agar menjaauhkan tindak korupsi yang saat ini
sedang merajalela.‬

"Saya waktu itu bertemu dengan Mantan Perdana Menteri Malaysia,
Mahatir Mohammad. Saya tanya apa rahasianya memberantas korupsi di
malaysia. Dia jawab dengan tegas: Pendidikan," ujar Prabowo.